Category: Press Releases

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CEDP holds Stakeholder Engagement with Private Sector Players in Tourism

CEDP held a stakeholder engagement with representatives of the tourism private sector players on 23rd August 2022 at Hotel Africana, Kampala. A presentation about the Tourism Enterprise Grant which is one of the sub-components of the project under the Additional Financing was made by the Business Advisor, Tourism, Ivan Kakooza after which the participants were

CEDP Team holds Progress Meeting with UWRTI

The CEDP team held a progress meeting with the Uganda Wildlife Research and Training Institute (UWRTI) team on 18th August, 2022 at the institute premises in Kasese District. UWRTI, whose mandate is to carry out Wildlife research and training is one of the project’s implementing agencies. The objective of the activity was to provide technical

CEDP is a Success story – Ps Ggoobi

The Permanent Secretary and Secretary to the Treasury, Ramathan Ggoobi, has described the Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) as a successful project despite the outbreak of CoviD-19 that affected several undertakings.

World Bank and EU Sign €8 Million Partnership Agreement to Strengthen Land Administration in Northern and Eastern Uganda

Kampala, March 31, 2022 –The World Bank and the European Commission on behalf of the European Union (EU) signed a partnership agreement providing eight million Euros (US$ 9.03 million or UGX 31.8 billion) grant to support the Government of Uganda to strengthen land tenure security, land administration and management systems in northern and eastern Uganda.